Organic wines from the Doñana environment

Our organic wine project was born in 2018 and it is in 2022 when we develop the concept: “The Wine Egg Project”.
The Project deals with the manufacture in Central Europe of 2 meter organic concrete eggs to make exclusive batches of our organic wines. Thanks to the unique effect of spiral circulation inside the eggs, the wine obtains greater complexity and structure. We seek to return to the origin of the wine in its vineyard.
The egg-shaped tank and its use in winemaking dates back to 6,000 BC. One of the oldest wine vessels is a Georgian Kvevri or Qvevri whose shape resembles an egg.
Concrete eggs embrace the past and the present. They combine a number of innovations (which are the result of continuous long-term work in development and research) as well as close cooperation with distinguished winemakers.
Concrete eggs ensure optimal oxygen permeability as well as optimal thermal conductivity, which is the result of research on the optimal wall thickness, the appropriate material and the egg-shaped tank in one piece without recessed legs. concrete.
The volume optimized for self-regulation of wine fermentation is between 900 l and 1500 l. so we opted for an egg-shaped concrete tank with a capacity of 1000 l. The proportionally thin walls of the concrete egg maintain a stable temperature without additional cooling. Fermentation produces heat and consequently convection currents, which stimulate the circulation of the wine. Compared to traditional fermentation vessels or tanks, the egg-shaped tank allows the wine to circulate more easily, which is due to its shape and smooth surface. Due to the continuous circulation or movement of the wine within the concrete egg, the wine develops a complex flavor through its constant contact with the lees.
Concrete transpiration
What is it and how it works

As oxygen penetrates through the concrete, the tannins in the wine soften and the wine develops a richer body and more complex flavor. Unlike wooden barrels, which have a similar influence on the wine, concrete does not add any vanilla flavors or other spices from the oak, but allows the winemaker to preserve the fruity characteristics of the wine without the reducing characteristics of stainless steel. and adds a texture without the flavors coming from the oak. The concrete thus combines the benefits of the oak barrel and the stainless steel vessel.
The wine stored in egg-shaped concrete tanks is rich in tannins and stable by nature, which provides the winemaker with a long-lasting wine, without the need for additives to preserve the quality of the wine and its magnificent flavour. In addition, the tannins in the concrete deposits restrict the protein content and thus prevent the wine from becoming cloudy.
Our organic wines
We make a limited edition of 1,300 numbered bottles of each of the 2 wines
WHITE – On Lees
Sauvignon Blanc variety, due to the effect produced by Geothermal energy, that is, the internal spiral circulation in the organic concrete egg, our organic white wine is polished thanks to the friction with the concrete walls and at the same time floats its lees, which gives it more complexity and richness in the mouth as well as giving more volume and structure to the wine. The egg enhances its mineral and saline memories, as well as the freshness of its tropical fruit.
RED – On Staves
Tempranillo variety, we make a reverse aging in the organic concrete egg, given that we put our organic red wine and submerge a selection of French oak staves with a soft toast inside the egg, to get the wine to undergo a reverse aging infiltrating on the staves and then breathe through the pores of the concrete egg. This innovative process makes our red stable by itself, preserving all its fruit and rich in mineral nuances, provided by the egg and consolidating its sweet tannins thanks to the internal aging with oak staves. A unique and surprising wine that at the same time highlights all the work in the vineyard.